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Setting your Windows StyleSheet
Mark Masters    $ $

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. File Location
2.1 Opening Notepad.exe
2.1.1 Run
2.1.2 Source Blank
2.1.3 blank.css
2.1.4 Type in IE Address Bar
2.1.5 Highlight
2.1.6 Copy
2.1.7 Type "css" anywhere
2.1.8 Last but not least...
3. Help Images
3.1 Start Button on Taskbar
3.2 Control Panel
3.3 Internet Options
3.4 Accessibility User Style Sheet
4. Making you own stylesheet
4.1 Font Size
4.2 Specify Font
4.2.1 Courier New
4.2.2 Times New Roman
4.2.3 Garamond
4.2.4 Arial
5. Example StyleSheet 1
6. Example StyleSheet 2

1. Overview

If either Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows XP is your operating system, you can use Internet Options to set your own stylesheet the way you want to display the world wide web using Internet Explorer. For instance: you can set the background color to always be white. Or you can set your font to always be a certain font as you browse. You can control the size of the fonts. For users with visual issues, this can make your whole internet experience more functional for you. This changing of how your computer displays to you is accomplished through the use of a Cascading StyleSheet.

2. File Location

Generally the Notepad.exe file, which most people use as an editor for the stylesheet, is located in the Windows folder on the C:\ drive. If you open your Windows Explorer and browse to the C:\ drive, browse to the Window folder, in most cases the Notepad will be in the folder.

The Directory | Path | Filename for Notepad on most computers using Windows is:


2.1 Opening Notepad.exe

If you have located the file in Windows Explorer, right-click on the file name and select "Open" from the context menu. You may opt to click on the file name, press Shift-F10 and use the up-arrow to select "Open," click Enter key to open.

If you cannot locate the Notepad.exe on your computer, below there are several optional methods to getting the file to execute. If worse comes to worst: click the Start Button and select Search | For Files or Folders... enter in Notepad and remember to set the search on your C:\ drive.

2.1.1 Run

The Start Button | Run... method is a really good way to open files on your computer. It is a command line utility, which means if you enter in Notepad it will execute your NOTEPAD.EXE executable program. The same goes if you enter in Explorer it will execute your Windows Explorer EXPLORER.EXE executable program. (You must click the OK button). Also notice there is a Browse... feature with which you may browse your hard drive and find the program you wish to open.

RunRun Interface

2.1.2 Source Blank

This button will call for the source of a blank text file located at this site. Its URL is: notice there is no file name only the .txt format. Not all personal computers are the same, to say the least, but this button should open up your default text editor, which is usually Notepad in Windows. If you write something like a test file --- be sure to remember where you save the file on your computer. My humble suggestion is to locate the file inside the C:\WINDOWS folder and get used to browsing to that folder. If you try and save the file to the Desktop it is somewhat more difficult to browse to the file. Examples: Using Win95, Win98, you end up browsing to C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP anyway. In WinXP I have to browse to C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MARK MASTERS\DESKTOP to reach the Desktop.

2.1.3 blank.css

This blank.css Button and Link call for a file located at this site. The URL is: and for my setup here on this computer this method of getting Notepad to open up is as good as any other method. The default .css editor on this computer is Notepad and it pops open quickly when I click either the Button or the Link. Using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer an additional option is to right-click the Link and select Save Target As... Or if you are using Netscape Netscape right-click the Link and select Save Link Target As...


2.1.4 Type in IE Address Bar

If you are using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer to browse this page you may type into the Address Bar C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE and click the GO button (or click the Enter Key)

2.1.5 Highlight

This button just highlights the text in the box, you will still have to copy (Ctrl + c) then highlight the Address bar, paste (Ctrl + v) and click the GO button (or click the Enter Key)

Internet Explorer Internet Explorer users
1) Click the Highlight Button
2) Click Ctrl + c to copy
3) Highlight Address Bar, click Ctrl + v Enter

2.1.6 Copy

This button will copy to clipboard the text in the box, you will still have to highlight the Address bar, paste (Ctrl + v) and click the GO button (or click the Enter Key)

Internet Explorer Internet Explorer users
1) Click the Copy Button
2) Highlight Address Bar, click Ctrl + v Enter

2.1.7 Type "css" anywhere on this page

If you are using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer you can just type anywhere on this page: css and it should open up your Notepad. This going to call up a file at this site:

2.1.8 Last but not least...

If you are using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer you can open your Notepad.exe using the "File Download" for your protection. But that is not the whole story. This is you opening up your Notepad.exe on your computer (click this    to see a screenshot of the interface). This is not "downloading" even though it says it is. What this method requires is a modicum of trust on your part that this button does not call a malicious program to execute. For instance a webdesigner might maliciously get you to execute the C:\FORMAT which basically deletes and formats your hard drive. Microsoft puts you the user in the driver's seat deciding whether or not to open up one of your executable files. This method requires you to click the Open Button, and generally should be Canceled for your protection. This being written, I promise you that the Buttons and Link below in this red dotted box only try to open your Notepad.exe.


3. Help Images

The following images are to show graphically how to:
3.1 Click your Start Button, and selecting Control Panel
3.2 Control Panel, and what is highlighted in the image is Internet Options
3.3 Internet Options, and the red-circled Accessibility Button
3.4 Accessibility User Style Sheet, which is the point of this page. In this little interface you can set how you want to display the internet.

3.1 Start Button on Taskbar

By default in Windows puts the Taskbar along the bottom edge of the screen. This can be changed (I usually miss-click-and-drag the taskbar and it ends up on one side ofthe screen), but usually it is at the bottom of the screen with the Start Button in lower left corner.

startbutton (17K)

3.2 Control Panel

The Control Panel is somewhat arcane to me. Honestly. It exists outside of the directory structure and is very hard to edit with any ease. Anyway, it holds the Internet Options which we click to open.

panel (47K)

3.3 Internet Options

In Internet Options | General Tab look in the bottom right corner for the Accesibility Button. Click to open the User Stylesheet interface.

Internet Options

3.4 Accessibility User Style Sheet

I check mark each four of the boxes to the left, and Browse... for the .css file (which I usually locate in my C:\WINDOWS folder). In the following sections find some directions on how to write you own cascading style sheet.

accessibility (21K)

4. Making you own stylesheet

Your computer is going to recognize your style sheet if you specify where it is located on your computer using the 3.4 Accessibility User Style Sheet. Let me advise again that C:\Windows is a good folder to hold your .css file. First you must write the sheet, then point the computer at that sheet. The idea is in this case you intend to ignore format by webauthors, in favor of a more readable font. There are other other tags than covered by this Access page, I think we only cover the <body> tag. Here is a W3C example of more tags REC-CSS2 which might be edited to suit your viewing needs.

4.1 Font Size

We can effect a larger font for all the main body of text in web pages:
This font-size is 30 pixels.

This .css size.css is for all text 30px.


To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the size.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + r or Alt + e Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2 Specify Font

    We can choose a font of which I show four below. Notice the addition of the font-family to the sheet.

    Courier New Aa Zz 0-9
    Times New Roman Aa Zz 0-9
    Garamond Aa Zz 0-9
    Arial Aa Zz 0-9

    This .css specify.css is for all Arial font, with size of 30px.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the specify.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + y or Alt + t Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2.1 Background color

    We can can display a white background at all times for high contrast.

    This .css background.css is for setting the color of all backgrounds to white.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the exampleblack.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + i or Alt + u Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2.1 Courier New

    This .css courier.css is for all Courier New fonts.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the times.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + g or Alt + h Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2.2 Times New Roman

    Similarly for high contrast some people like to have a black background with high contrast white letters. Please notice the color: #ffffff changes the font color to white.

    This .css times.css is for all black backgrounds, all Time New Roman fonts, all white letters.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the times.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + p or Alt + o Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2.3 Garamond

    I like the Garamond font, but I never use it really. I believe it is the source font to the logo (brilliant search engine). Anyway, below is an example of the Garamond font to be used in a stylesheet:

    This .css garamond.css is for all Garamond fonts.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the garamond.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + 3 or Alt + 2 Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 4.2.4 Arial

    Arial is by far my favorite font, it seems so readable and basic. It also reminds of elementary school and those handwriting posterboards above the chalkboard. It is also a very in depth well designed font, and the Unicode version of the font is done through and through.

    This .css basicarial.css file is for all arial fonts.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the exampleblack.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + 5 or Alt + 4 Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 5. Example StyleSheet 1

    This .css examplewhite.css file is for all white backgrounds, large font (26px), all Arial font. Click this link to see the "Emancipation Proclamation" using this stylesheet.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the examplewhite.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + 8 or Alt + 9 Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...

  • 6. Example StyleSheet 2

    This .css exampleblack.css file is for all black backgrounds, all white text, large font (26px), all Arial font. Click this link to see the "Emancipation Proclamation" using this stylesheet.


    To download using:
  • Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
  • Click the button above. Your default .txt text editor should launch the exampleblack.css.
  • In your text editor click FILE | SAVE AS... (note: it looks like IE slides a [#] into the filename)
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Alt + 6 or Alt + 7 Enter
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save File As...
  • Netscape Netscape
  • Click the button above. Netscape opens another page showing you the file content
  • Click FILE | SAVE PAGE AS...
  • Remember the location of your file once saved.
  • Optional download method 1) click Ctrl + s
  • Optional download method 2) RIGHT click the above link and select Save Link Target As...